Our customers love us! Take a look inside their homes and hear what they have to say about us!


Ann Watts

“The Pink Elephant is, by far, the GREATEST antique store in Baton Rouge!  Anytime I travel, I make a point of visiting the local antique shops. None compare to Baton Rouge’s Pink Elephant. The inventory is huge, the people are remarkable and the prices are great!  Some of our favorite pieces in our home have come The Pink Elephant. We look forward to many years of finding wonderful “treasures” at The Pink Elephant.”

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Kelly Greeson

As an interior designer working on a recent 1920's bungalow in the Garden District here in Baton Rouge, I consider The Pink Elephant an unparalleled resource for collecting both a wide range of decorative arts and home furnishings.  Because I am not alone in this opinion, the inventory is forever changing and evolving which makes it one, if not the only, shop I frequent the most for unusual and interesting period pieces including 19th century, early 20th century, and mid-century finds.  As I enjoy an eclectic mix of styles and periods, The Pink Elephant is a true treasure trove. 

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George Bonvillain

I prefer shopping vintage because of the unique story/history behind each and every piece. Whether it’s a typewriter, book, or other item, I love the feeling that I’m not the “owner” of the item, just the latest person that has it for safekeeping. Pink Elephant is my go-to vintage shop because of the truly incredible selection. I normally have to set a time limit for myself before I walk in.

Pink Elephant is unique for so many reasons: unbelievable selection with new items in the store every time I’m there, helpful service, and owners that care about your customer experience.

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Heather Day

I love the hunt! And I love giving things a new life and even redefining the use and function of things from another era..

I love to repurpose items into functional pieces: a vintage suitcase as a side table, a big, cool ashtray for my sunglass rack. Most of all, I love the thought of reusing. There’s so much stuff in this world, I’d much rather use what’s been here and is still useful than contribute to the manufacturing of more.

Pink Elephant not only makes the hunt exciting, but it’s organized and so easy on the eyes. I find things merchandised beautifully and clever uses of space throughout. Not to mention, they just have good sh*#!%!!